Hijab, hijab, everywhere! It comes up every where around this site - but what is it!?

What is hijab?

Hijab is the arabic term for the covering or veil that is worn by Muslim women all around the world. The word hijab literally means "screen" or "curtain". The standard form of hijab is covering the hair, neck, and ears as well as wearing loose garments to cover the body properly. For our website, hijab refers basically to a scarf that can be used to cover the hair/neck.

Why do people wear it?

There are many reasons why a Muslim woman chooses to cover herself. One might say that the main reason is because of the verses found in the Qur'an which tells women to cover everything that is not normally apparent. Although many people may interpret this in different ways, the norm is to cover everything but the head and face. However, this is not the only reason. More and more woman are choosing the put on the hijab. Why, you might ask!? Well, take a look at the "My Hijab Story" section to better understand what these women are thinking.

Is it really worth the struggle?

Absolutely, times infinity.

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